I am grateful to Sarah from The Woks of Life Asian cooking site for sending me this explanation that appears to solve all my problems with regard to magic potions.
I didn’t actually read the article, (who has that kind of time?), but considering the problems I have sourcing ingredients for the spells in my Hogwart’s Potions Primer it seems Cornstarch, the truly magic ingredient, will save me from failure.
So far I have determined that cornstarch can be used as an adequate substitute for the difficult to find ingredients critical to mixing Professor Severus Snape’s revenge potion:
- Billywig Wings
- Flobberworm Mucus
- Ashwinder Eggs
- Shrivelfigs
- Puffskin Hair
Now that I have the recipe (Thanks again to Sarah) and the necessary ingredients, I have a message for the lady that cut in front of me at the self-check stand while I perused the candy rack: “BE VERY AFRAID!”