1944’s film classic “To Have and Have Not” contains a real life lesson. After swapping spit with Bogie, Lauren Bacall, exiting the room and using her smolderingly sexy voice and seductive smile says, “You know how to whistle, don’t you Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.” While this was as close to porn as the average moviegoer got in 1944 (love that scene), who could foresee this would become the national pastime of disgruntled employees.
After losing his job at Twitter, their ex-security chief took Lauren’s advice and blew the whistle on his former employer. Among his many accusations was that Twitter executives acted with “negligence and even complicity” in response to efforts by foreign governments to invade the platform and gain access to private materials. My first thought: “DUH! Who doesn’t know that?” To be that dumb you would have to be under 10 years old, have an I.Q. in low double digits or still support a failed ex-president who himself is an enemy agent.
But if Lauren Bacall told me to whistle I’d be blowing like there was no tomorrow!