When someone thinks, perhaps erroneously, that no one likes them it is called Avoidance Personality Disorder, suffered by people who are unable to recognize their good and bad qualities. I am not able to comment on those suffering souls. I am talking about people that are truly disliked because of something they said.
I said part one because I am certain that one day in the future I will rant on more or newly discovered reasons. But for the purposes of this lesson I will put down five phrases people utter that insures they will be disliked. For Example:
- “I am going to be honest with you”. Professing your honesty in any form means that you have lied profusely in the past; so much so that you need to clarify that the next statement is the truth, which you have just convinced the listener it is not. LIAR!
- “I tell it like it is.” Everyone should, but since you say it like that you are telling us we do not share your honesty or insights. F-you jerk-wad.
- “I’m a Mama Bear!” Might as well say the whole statement: “I am a better mother and care more about my children than you care about yours so I’ll micro-manage their lives and not allow them any risk or creativity, turning them into needy, co-dependent weaklings who will never make it on their own…like ME!
- “I’m an Alpha Male” so if you are an independent, intelligent woman run, don’t walk, away because I am an insufferable misogynist who can only satisfy one person intellectually, philosophically and sexually and that person is ME!
- “I am not a racist but…” You might as well be honest and cut holes in a pillowcase, wear a white sheet with a swastika sewn on and lay in a big supply of cross-burning material. The superlative adverb for how monumentally racist you are has not been coined yet.
OR alternatively you can always be honest, tell it like it is, protect your family, be open and fair in your relationships and treat everyone with respect regardless of any racial, religious or physical differences. Then S-T-F-U and stop needing to tell everyone. They will see it.