A friend of mine has been searching for a sustainable method of coping in uncertain times. He thinks life today is chaotic and we need to adjust our plan. The truth is we are living in the most stable time in history. There are more things we can count on to be true than ever before. For Example:
- The Sun will rise in the east and set in the west (we are talking northern hemisphere).
- When a Republican politician is speaking he will lie.
- Democratic politicians will claim the moral high ground and then be counted on to do nothing.
- The inexplicable popularity of Nutella and Marmite will forever remain a mystery.
- With no proof and only the words of perhaps the most prolific liar in history, nut-bags will continue to think the 2020 election was magically stolen.
- The stock market will rise and fall and rise and fall and rise and fall…
- Not one single person will change their views based on a Facebook post.
- Somebody will win the lottery, it just won’t be YOU (from the archives, still true).
So let’s all stop being afraid and chillax! “Ain’t nuthin’ to worry about.”