- Blue Whale
- Armillaria Ostoyae
- Sequoia Tree
- African Elephant
Of course it’s the Armillaria Ostoyae…Duh! This plant, commonly known as the “Honey Fungus,” forms a vast underground network known as mycelium. The largest known plant is estimated to cover 2385 acres. This parasitic fungus can do immense damage to forests and is greatly feared by foresters and gardeners alike; it attacks both coniferous and occasionally broad-leaf trees. By the time the fruit bodies are in evidence, the damage internally is usually so great that the tree is doomed.
A perfect metaphor for our political landscape. The Trump Fungi (sociopathus narcissus orangeola) has permeated his party and the rot, when fully exposed, will mean the demise of all it touched. Let’s hope he doesn’t take the whole country with him.