Everyone loves a good riddle so why not come to BetterFredThanDead for the best? And while currently there is only one question here and no prizes if you figure it out, you will have the satisfaction of a job well done and I will give you a hearty hand-clasp next time I see you!
Riddle #1: What Christmas Song is depicted below:
The finest apples in Apple Land make Mott’s Apple Sauce taste grand! & LIBERTY
The best part of waking up is Folger’s in your cup! & CHURCH
Bring out the Best Foods and bring out the best! & SILVER
My Baloney has a first name it’s O-S-C-A-R & ____OF ST. MARY’S
The answer is___________? Too Easy?
“Jingle Bells” Get it? No? A jingle + Bells. Still nothing? Really, you didn’t laugh? Or perhaps you are a “Karate Laugher?” You laugh on the inside and don’t show your weakness. Everybody’s a critic. Listen up Ebert Jr. This site is free. You want A-list comedy, buy a ticket to Chappelle or Gaffigan and move along!