He may not be universally recognized as a genius yet, but he will soon get everything he deserves.
Bennett writes articles in The Better Report, internet spam that shows up daily in my inbox. The articles are not really “news you can use” as they are touted but more aptly described as “News that’ll make you snooze.” Bennett has, in the past, imparted to us unique life-sustaining ideas. On the subject of saving money Benny suggested getting a library card and cutting dryer sheets in half. There’s 12 cents right back into our pocket. I guess the kids get milk this week! The Klein-Meister General didn’t stop there, more ideas included shopping at discount stores and showering with cold water. Awesome!
There’s more. The Benster also blew the lid off bubble wrap by teaching us how to curl hair by wrapping it around bubble wrap for a few hours. No more wasting 5 minutes with a curling iron! His article “6 Garbage Day Mistakes You’re Probably Making” warn us all to put the cans out on the correct day, not to overfill them and, for the love of humanity, DO NOT recycle greasy pizza boxes.
And still Bennett Kleinman, I salute you! I share the wisdom of kings to my reader(s)? and have yet to make a penny. You recycle banal bits of info from “The Hicksville Penny Saver” and are raking in millions.
A grateful nation awaits your next revelation!