You have reached a url that is currently devoid of humor, cleverness, entertainment or, in general, anything worth spending time reading and certainly not worth straining your eyes! So go read a book, play with the kids, get vaccinated (you heard me, use your brain and get vaccinated, you conspiracy theory freak-a-zoid. It’s called science, S-C-I-E-N-C-E. Really, you’re still reading this. Let me explain: “I have nothing to say today.” I am just writing to fill up space . In the same way the long-winded diatribes people with entirely too much time on their hands…Like Me…post on russian controlled sites like Facebook, this will be generally ignored. I understand no intelligent human will still be reading. Seriously, you have nothing better to do? BUT since you are loyal I will add some value so this is not a total waste of time. I include this valuable public service announcement: CALL YOUR MOTHER or another loved one with whom you have not spoken in far too long.
Until tomorrow when the creative juices will again flow… Do svidaniya! I mean bye.