First of all, get your mind out of the gutter! I said for the ladies because in our culture it was generally accepted that women are more obsessed with weight loss than men. But in my case it is not so. I have been obsessed with my weight since 1975, the year I took my first leap from 186 lbs. to 240 lbs. From then on my life has been a non-stop struggle to lose weight.
So with the help of world renowned gurus including Deepak Chopra, D.J. Pavey and Linda L Berman, I no longer set myself up for failure with restrictive diets, daily weight goals with graphs and intricate calorie counting. I am changing my feedback loops and thought patterns to radiate success. I set my intention to eat a healthy diet whenever I can, but totally without specifics. Whatever I choose to eat is fine. It is the equivalent of giving yourself a participation trophy; regardless of the results I win!
Now the cucumber part. I read a clean-eating expert’s advice. She suggested you eat as healthy as possible. ” If you can afford to pay the extra for organic vegetables than do so. If not, conventional is fine. An organic cucumber is only slightly better than a conventional one. But a conventional cucumber is a thousand times better choice than a Baby Ruth candy bar.”
Success at last!