Linda and I are up by 5:30AM every morning, a habit developed when I worked for Coastal Training. The office was 3 hours ahead of me in Virginia. I was a West Coaster operating on Eastern time. We are not ready for breakfast until much later so we sit by the fire and have coffee for about an hour every morning. A great many critical decisions are made during that time; what we are going to eat all day and do we have to venture out amongst the unruly masses or stay happily dormant in our nest? And me, just like all humans, have my “Smart” phone with me.
The phone was, I assumed, sleeping as usual, the screen was dark. I was railing against my fellow democrats for always trying to claim the high moral ground by not taking corporate money and telling the truth; a seemingly losing strategy. Meanwhile the opposition takes every dime from anyone and lies about everything; elections, their accomplishments, even the weather if it suits their needs. And this strategy has allowed them to worship and adore the most morally bankrupt individual on the planet. Their strategy seems to be working.
I asked Linda the rhetorical question “How many times are they {Democrats} going to shoot themselves in the foot?” to which Siri came alive on her own and answered “here are articles on shooting yourself in the foot.” On my screen were articles from Wikipedia and Reddit about the exact topic. So, she listens even when dormant? Has the Orwellian future arrived? Is it time for us to be fitted for an aluminum foil cap to block Big Brother from reading our brainwaves!
And while we are discussing the sometimes useful but always annoying Siri, she has a new habit to drive me up the wall. She says “Unhuh” every time right in the middle of your question. I googled for help but did not get a workable answer. I know I have the option of turning her off. But I consider myself “Woke” and want to be respectful to all women at all times; even though we all know that bitches be crazy! Am I right? (Tap Knuckles!)