I have written before about how the Oxord English Dictionary (OED), a historical dictionary that provides authoritative information on the English language, publishes an annual list of words that are new to English and words that have become obsolete and are being removed. Recent additions are Chillax and Whatev; recent deletions, overmorrow, lunting and groak.
My whole life I have heard the sorrowful lament “nothing rhymes with orange.” As my legacy I am teaming up with the OED Organizstion to add a word in English that goes, in fact, literally rhymes with orange. A few of the candidates:
- Florange: The color of residents of Palm Beach, FL.
- Clorange: The color of a red shirt after it is accidentally washed with Clorox.
- Porange: Poor quality homemade sex film.
- Whorange: Star of a poor quality homemade sex film.
- Storange: A place to buy citrus fruit.
I know what you are thinking; weak…but if you bowl every day you are going to throw a few gutterballs.