Another Breaking News headline from People Magazine’s on-line newsletter. First by a show of hands:
1. Who has even a slight inkling as to who either of the two people are?
2. Who cares who either of these two people are?
3. Is this really headline material, two pseudo-celebrities getting a divorce.
If they are going to delve into the world of domestic unrest at least provide all the relevant facts. I’d go to Wikipedia to check them out but then I’d have to sift through pages of begging for donations to keep this terribly inaccurate website going. I already pay a fortune in taxes to get misinformation from Washington, D.C.
And if you think it’s bad now, wait until January 20, 2025, when all expectation of truth will fly away leaving nothing but world class gobbledygook emanating from our nation’s leaders. The situation is best described by the prophetic words of Cantor Jakie Rabinowitz, Al Jolson in his most famous role as The Jazz Singer, when on October 6, 1927 at the Warner Theater on Broadway, during the world premiere of the first talking motion picture that synchronized sound and vocal track, Jakie warned us “You ain’t heard nothing yet!”
Did you have any idea that this seemingly innocuous rant would veer into yet another political condemnation? I sure didn’t!