From 1997 when he was elected as Mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, by an overwhelming write-in vote, Stubbs held the office without challenge. From all accounts he was warm and loving and brought the town together in a way that seems impossible with today’s climate of hate and whiney little bitch candidates from whom we are forced to choose.
Unfortunately Stubbs, a cat by birth, died in 2007 after 20 years in office. But there must be a feline somewhere willing to take on the job and bring some humanity back to the office, because a textbook narcissistic sociopath with a bad comb-over and that other old dude are polarizing and give me little hope for the future.
In the words of the great American philosopher and poet Ed Grimley, “We’re doomed as doomed can be don’t you know? I’ve gone completely mental!
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.””