This message from our local Fred Meyer Supermarket, (owned by the giant Kroger chain). RAMPANT AGE DESCRIMINATION! In order to get the best prices you now must own a computer or have a smartphone to download the App. And if you do have the app or go to their website navigating to find the mystery digital coupon becomes a time consuming treasure hunt; the reward for your trouble being 50 cents off the inflated price of some inferior store brand product they are pushing this week to deplete the massive overstock of a soon-to-be-out-of-date product ordered by the dimwitted child of a company executive because a salesman showed him the only love he has ever felt by taking him to lunch. This all because he was raised by an absentee mother and an uncaring father who did not even try to hide the fact he had no love for him because it all went to his sister Ivanka.
I may have mixed up a few rants but you get the idea.