Not fond of being the Home Town Buffet for one of the approximately 3,600 species of small flies comprising the family Culicidae? The word “mosquito” is Spanish for “little fly,” not to be confused with the legendary but non-existent “Spanish fly.” (Or is it real?)
Following are are five suggestions on how to repel the little biting buggers:
- Bathe with coconut scented soap. They’re not fans of Pina Coladas.
- Spray the bottoms of walls with a child/pet safe insecticide. They have friends in low places.
- Wear EPA approved (since 1990) permethrin treated clothing. Available, I assume, at fine clothiers everywhere.
- Wear green, purple, blue or white clothing. Apparently they locate targets by the spectrum and these are the least attractive. Go figure?
- Wear insect repellent containing Deets. If someone asks you for the “deets” spray the crap out of them
While these may help lessen mosquito bites, they are no help in eradicating the vile insect-like candidates that populate our presidential election process. For that we have to rely on indictments and they currently seem to be even less effective than Deets.