Boxing Day is set aside for the celebration of the Pugilistic Arts. It is the one day a year you are allowed or rather encouraged to fight, maim and destroy without fear of retribution by the law so get going, start destroying! What’s that? Oh, my mistake. That day is called “The Purge” and I have to check but I think it may be the last Thursday in November.
So what is Boxing Day?
Boxing Day got its name when Queen Victoria was on the throne in the 1800s and has nothing to do with the sport of boxing. The name comes from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor. It is primarily celebrated in the U.K., Canada and a few assorted places around the globe. A bill was introduced to recognize a “day of charity” in the United States but was quickly rejected as another plot for the radical left socialists to undermine democracy by getting food and warm clothing into the hands of the less fortunate; an act inevitably leading to the loss of the right to carry assault weapons across state lines and kill.
It is more popular locally as the day for “boxing up” the useless gifts you received and returning them for cash.