…young or old, conservative or liberal, male or female, gay or straight, carnivore or vegan, Gucci or Old Navy, print or Kindle, Home Depot or Lowes, right or left handed, fact or fantasy, rock or classical, paper or plastic, file cabinet or cloud, Fox News or NPR, Beatles or Stones, lace or loafer, boxer or briefs, Bikini or thong (I’d like to weigh-in on this…never mind), Hasidic or Reform, Jimmy Choo or UGG, Mardi Gras or Comic Con, Star Wars or Star Trek, Marvel or DC, urban or country, tree hugger or developer, farmer or cowman (they should be friends and if you get that reference you also love Broadway musicals), scouser or cockney, Central Park West or Bed-Sty, Michigan Avenue or Section 8, Jeff Bezos or Mother Theresa, MENSA or mental.
If you still think out of 336,997,624+ citizens of The United States of America the best choice to lead our country is Donald Trump please submit your DNA to an accredited laboratory for a reality check as you may not be a human being and may have escaped from Area 51 in Roswell, NM.