Poor Kris! Has it been too long since you were in the news so you thought people would give a rat’s ass about your torrid affair with a guy who has recently had his dick cut off? He said it was to become a woman which at least explains how he managed to have sex with you.
We all know you pimped out your daughters and made millions. Your money gets you plenty of male attention. Take away your fortune and you would be living in a one bedroom apartment in the San Fernando Valley with a dozen cats.
Now take the money and go away! Wait a sec…I have a better idea. I am a self-appointed internet influencer and the only difference between me and Kim is you being her manager. Would you consider taking me on as a client? After all, I am a man and do find your money quite alluring…Baby!
(P.S. I do need to first get Linda’s approval as being the object of someone else’s desire is new to me. But, we could use a few million dollars…)