Did you always envy Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey in Friends? They had a comfortable couch and great coffee every time they met at Central Perk. Whenever they walked in their spot was waiting regardless of the number of other patrons. Well get ready to be excited as Warner Brothers Studios announced a chain of these coffee houses will open up in 2023. I have a few questions for the geniuses that want to replicate the experience for their legion of fans which includes me! I want to get a jump on my competition when the fight begins for the best seats in the house.
- Do you need a minimum of six people in the group to get the couch reserved 24/7?
- Do you all have to be white with your weight and height in proportion needed to be an attractive person?
- Which of the following ex-friends types are required to be deemed acceptable: Talentless dingbat, Ex-Obese neurotic, Hot babe, Brainless Italian stud, Sissy class clown and an Unlikeable, tilted academic?
I’ll be first in line when they open one near me and I am going straight for the couch. Anyone care to join my group? I’m married to the Babe so I really need to find a talentless dingbat!