And we are just getting started!
The only rule to Daily Inflammation…There are no rules! If you are afraid of Virginia Woolf then this is not the section for you. The stream of consciousness flows as I share keen insights rooted in common sense, separating fact from fiction, truth from lies, microwave safe dishes from those that arc and explode, developed from seventy years of living what only can be described as “The common, everyman lifestyle” (except for the microwave part which was only recently learned).
This is Controversy Central! I’ll know I’m successful when I have to issue my first tearful apology. “My words were taken out of context…Boo Hoo”
by Fred Berman //
And we are just getting started!
by Fred Berman //
Following are 4 Questions, not to be confused with The Four Questions asked on Passover at the Seder; we all know the answers to those!
These four will give you a window to your soul and impact your vision of the world. So if you answer “Yes” to any of the following 4 questions please get help as you are delusional!
I’m glad I cleared that up for you.
by Fred Berman //
There are experts who can tell your generation by one’s ability to identify cartoon catch-phrases. I am not one of them but here is a sampling of the questions on the test:
Match the Cartoon Character to the Quote:
90% and above, you are officially old!
by Fred Berman //
When Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent uttered these words repeatedly were they meant for Dishonest John or Donald John? (Is there a difference?)
Mysteries of the Universe?
by Fred Berman //
When most of us think of Iceland is it for their eponymous invention that brought them fame and fortune. A 3-dimensional cube of water whose temperature has been lowered below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius, miraculously forming a solid from what was moments before a liquid. A world, doomed to drink warm beverages during the summer, now can enjoy a frosty glass of whatever year-round.
(Interesting Factoid: For reasons unknown, the only modern civilized nation where Iceland’s top invention is not available is Poland).
So why is Iceland considered one of the healthiest countries in the world? It is thanks to a diet high in fresh fish. As a result, Icelanders are getting lots of heart-healthy boosts of omega-3 fatty acids. So…Eat more Fish! I like mine breaded and deep fried in lard with lots of fat-back gravy and smothered fries.
I feel healthier already!
by Fred Berman //
Updated for 2022:
“Turds of a Feather Fail Together!”
by Fred Berman //
Like me, I am sure many of you struggle to keep your weight and blood sugar under control. I find that making the healthiest choices of what to eat is much simpler if you know the glycemic index and glycemic load number of each food. Finding the number is easy as there are multiple free charts available on the internet. The trick is to know the difference so you may choose wisely, grasshoppers. I am here to help. See Below:
Simple, right? So next time you are faced with the conundrum of having to choose between a 3 scoop Hot Fudge Sundae with French Vanilla Ice Cream or an apple, I hope this formula makes it an easy decision!
by Fred Berman //
This is the title of a lengthy article I read on Born as Erich Weisz in Budapest, Hungary in 1874, Harry Houdini was raised in Appleton, Wisconsin, where his father served as the rabbi of a synagogue. In the interest of time let me summarize the highlights for you:
Harry Houdini’s father was a Rabbi. Harry loved magic and became a magician.
I Hope you enjoyed the condensed version.
by Fred Berman //
Back to my college days, late 1960’s, early 1970’s; the Vietnam War Era. “Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?” was the mantra of antiwar protesters. It was pasted on billboards and bumper-stickers throughout the United States and the world.
I never understood the connection between war and sex but it must have been effective as in 1973 Nixon pulled out, ending U.S. direct involvement in the war. Anti-climactic and confusing but it got the job done!
by Fred Berman //
Now firmly entrenched in my seventies I find greater comfort in my routines. My desire for excitement is still there but on a day to day basis a routine gives me a focal point from which to measure progress and pleasure…whatever that means?
For those of you in my generation who feel the same or my legions of younger readers that wish to build a firm foundation for future retirement I share this as one possible course of action.
I awake very early, a carry-over from when I lived on the west coast and worked for Coastal Training, based in Virginia, three hours ahead of me. The first thing I do while still in bed is stretch and resolve to do something extraordinary this day; to make a difference in the world. I am then able to get another hour sleep, waking in time to eat and sit around the balance of the day.
This is the kind of life-affirming help not available to everyone. No charge for my friends.