Don’t get excited. I am not going to attack your religious fantasy about Heaven being a place of plenty where you can eat all the pie and ice cream you want and not gain weight, or my nightmare about hell, which to me is a giant 80″ OLED TV with no off switch that, for all eternity, broadcasts nothing but “The Bachelor” and “The Kardashians.”
I am referencing an article by Deepak Chopra on LinkedIn. Deepak opens with “One of the main reasons that any religion or spiritual tradition exists is to reassure us about dying.” He goes on to hypothesize if there is no discernable beginning how can there be an end? He quotes the T.S. Eliot poem ‘East Coker” “In my end is my beginning…” This brings to mind another life altering event when a well-known movie star allegedly showed up in a hospital emergency room and said “In my end is a gerbil!”
Can we really answer this question? “The nice thing about existence is that it can be relied upon even when you have no idea where it came from.” “You are here and the New Age phrase, ‘Be here now’ isn’t a goal. It just is. You cannot help but be here now, since that’s the definition of existence.”
“Where do we go after we die? Nowhere in physical terms. We never leave home because there’s no alternative. Non-existence is a fantasy born of fear.”
Obviously you and I need to discuss this in greater detail. I can work you in for two one-hour sessions per week. How about Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00AM? Friends and Family Discount, $150 per hour. I’ll send you my Venmo details.