Sure, we all know the word is closely related to a criminally indicted low-life narcissistic sociopath who stole from his own charity, dodged the draft and seems to be incapable of telling the truth, especially when he fabricates his past accomplishments. But there is more to the word than that. So before you try to eradicate it from the English language, think of the many important images the descriptive word contributes to our quest for clear communication.
For example:
- Six no-trump…Double…Pass…Pass!
- The festering, puss-filled trump on my elbow causes a great deal of pain.
- Ooh my stomach! Must’ve eaten some bad clams. Out of my way, have to go take a trump!
- The retired veteran got trumped; lost everything he had to scam artists.
- She is a racist, hate-monger with no empathy for another human being. She’s a trump; a sleaze three times worse than a Karen.
- He must be the dumbest person on earth, a real trump.
Catch my drift?