The AARP is a great organization that works tirelessly to improve the quality of life for us old geezers. Many groups publish a list of money-wasters such as lottery tickets, unused gym memberships, magazine subscriptions and buying anything on credit. Every group has one expense at the top of their list: designer coffee, most notably STARBUCKS! They want to take away the one human equalizer, a place where the wealthy and the not-so-wealthy can blend together like Arabica and Robusta beans!
I don’t disagree. Posh coffee can be costly. Pre-retirement, when I had a steady income, I occasionally stopped at Starbucks. Needing a caffeine boost one afternoon I ran out and offered to buy a coffee for a co-worker. She texted me her order which included three shots of this and two shots of that, foam in a direction and half of a calf or some nonsense. Bottom line was that instead of a cup of coffee I delivered an $8.75 science experiment.
But this is America, a place where even a financially challenged citizen can occasionally spring for an overpriced coffee.