Governor Ron DeSantis doubled down on his commitment to bring permit-less gun carry to Florida. The bill appears likely to pass. You will soon be able, without any background check or regulation, to grab a loaded gun, slip it in a concealed holster and roam the streets. The Florida legislature will get right to the important matter because affordable healthcare, climate change, quality education, rising poverty, hungry children and a crumbling infra-structure can wait!
Again, it doesn’t matter what political party, religion, ethnicity, phylum, class, order, genus or species you are. If you think this is a good idea and what the authors of the Constitution had in mind when they wrote about a well-regulated militia in the second amendment, then please choose one or more of the following words to describe yourself: idiot, moron, ignoramus, doofus, nincompoop, muttonhead, blockhead, nitwit, clodpoll, ninny or dunce.
If this bill passes, please move to Florida and good luck next time some booze-soaked jerk thinks you cut him off in traffic, eyed his girlfriend’s cleavage, or took his parking spot.