The on-line store Jungle Outlet is offering Jimmy Choo Sansa Gold and Brown Sunglasses, normally $466.00 for $69.99, an amazing 85% off! I know Jimmy Choo shoes inexplicably sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars which makes him the Kim Kardashian of the fashion world. I wondered if, like the Kardashians, his talent for selling mediocre products at inflated prices extended to others in his family. So I did my research and discovered and found quite the opposite. The Choo Family siblings, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins are all high achievers. A few examples:
- Ah Choo: An MD doing groundbreaking research into the common cold.
- Chew Choo: Head Conductor of China’s largest railroad.
- R. Choo – D. Choo: Twin Brothers making strides in Robotics.
- Seat Choo: Business Agent for the Broadway Usher’s Union IATSE Local 306.
- Charleston Choo: Lead Product Developer for a South Carolina Candy Company.
- Head Hon Choo: Cultural Liaison between China and Japan’s Largest Island.
- I Fine Choo: Chief of Shanghai Missing Persons Bureau.
- Bi Choo: Dentist to the Stars.
- Bay Choo: Captains a Fishing Boat
- Mate Choo: Hong Kong’s top marriage broker.
- Peeka Choo: Video Game Developer
- Chee Choo: Professional Scam-Artist. (The one Black Sheep Choo)
There is no mystery regarding the rise of Asia. Choo on that!