It is no easy task earning a living wage. Most restaurant rely on their tips as they make minimum wage. But many more jobs are trying to gain entry into the tip receiving world. Our exterminator that gets $99.00 for about 10 minutes of pacing our small perimeter and spraying some toxic brew in the corners. But as soon as he is finished I get a text leading me to the bill-paying site and a request to add on a tip.
The article says no tip necessary for flight attendants, plumbers, pick-up food orders, doctors, package delivery drivers, servers when tip is already on the bill, open bar at weddings and anywhere you receive sub-par service. Seems like a “No, Duh.” Who tips their accountant? Who has an accountant? I do believe tipping writers of inane website rants is an excellent policy but I’m not the one to ask…
The last tip I left is when I was circumcised! Hahahahaha!