Script Treatment for Episode #157 of The Twilight Zone
[Voice over: “You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.”
[Prologue: Host Rod Serling enters through the haze of smoke into a political rally with about 20 people in attendance, (it will be wildly exaggerated by the speaker as 20,000 later). At the podium is an aging and haggard candidate railing against his nation’s voting, legal and fast food delivery systems. The host speaks:]
Serling: “Presented for your inspection, one Tronald Dump, former leader of this unnamed but eerily familiar nation. Although he is a convicted felon, openly hates any opposition, told more than 30,000 lies while in office, misappropriated funds from a charity he supported, was fined $25 million and forced to close his useless university, made up a story about phony elections undermining the system he swore to protect because he’s a sore loser, was convicted in a system he wanted to use against others, but now is lying about the proceedings and what was said by the judge; show all signs of being a narcissistic sociopath, it would appear he has a slim chance of winning the election.. How is this possible?
[Dump heard in the background “I’m the bigly smart, no one’s as smart as me, only I can save the country, forget about the lies and bankruptcies because the people I stole from loved it, they said so, especially the women when I grabbed them by the…”]
[Voice Over:
“You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension, a dimension of sound, sight, and mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas, a dimension where mindless drones support a sub-human sleaze. However freaking unbelievable, we just crossed over into The Twilight Zone.”