The Shortness of the day can be meaningful. Look at all we have for which to be grateful:
- Less time to listen to our elected officials call each other names.
- Less time for Kardashians to break up with their boyfriends.
- Less time for gun nuts to whine about their misunderstanding of the 2nd Amendment.
- Less time for Facebook philosophers to rail against us radical socialist leaning liberals.
- Less time for the Supreme Court Justices to accept graft.
- Less time for me to waste your time as well.
- Shorter work day.
I know, it’s still 24 hours and shortest day actually refers to the amount of sunlight in the 24 hour period. I am taking what is known amongst us professional writers as “Poetic License.” Hey, you try being clever or insightful 365 days a year (366 on Leap Year).
Not Possible! (Although I come close…)