Bumblebees are hard workers! They help to maintain and operate a nest while also pollinating plants and flowers. But it now appears they do much more than that. In study published in Animal Behaviour, researchers found that bumblebees “play.”
“The team observed 45 bumblebees in an arena and gave them two pathway options to choose from: one unobstructed path led to a feeding zone, and the other opened to an area with wooden balls. Throughout the experiment, the bumblebees were observed choosing the latter pathway and rolling the wooden balls a number of times, then returning to roll them again. A total of 910 ball-rolling actions by 45 bumblebees were recorded. Individual bees rolled balls between 1 and 44 times on an experimental day, and between 1 and 117 times across the whole duration of the experiment,” the study reads.
Lead researcher Samadi Galpayage wrote “It goes to show, once more, that despite their little size and tiny brains, they are more than small robotic beings.”
THIS EXPLAINS SO MUCH! It’s not our politicians’ tiny brains that are the problem. It’s that they have NO BALLS!