1. Player in a game of bridge who, by virtue of not having any cards in the suit that was led, is none-the-less able to win the trick by playing a card from the designated “trump suit” which was determined by the player winning the bid at the beginning of the hand.
2. Misspelled name of Bambi’s rabbit friend created when you accidentally replace the second letter “H” with an incorrect “R”.
3. Move on, it’s over!
Archives for January 2021
The Flush Heard Around the World
That giant flush this morning took the waste from Washington, D.C. all the way to Florida.
“An Inauguration Carol” with Apologies to Charles Dickens
The White House was visited this Inauguration Eve by the ghost of Jacob Marley.
DT: Jacob, what are you doing here? You died 4 years ago this very night. And what’s up with those heavy chains?
JM: I carry these chains I forged in life and am doomed to bear the weight and walk the earth.
DT: But you were a good man of business. You avoided taxes, used your alleged charities for personal gain and ignored those in need.
JM: “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were, all, my business.
DT: Say what now?
JM: And oh it is a pondersous chain you carry with you, full twice as long as the one I bear. And don’t get me started on the 3 eldest spawns and that son-in-law…Oy vey! We’re talking a chain from here to Poughkeepsie!
DT: Ok, I get it. I’m bigly smart. But have you donated to my (airquotes) legal defense fund that I am misusing to pay my campaign debts?
JM: “Man of the worldly mind! Do you believe in me or not?”
DT: I have a tee time soon so yeah sure. Let’s wrap this up. How much do you want? See Rudy or whoever.
JM: I don’t want money, can’t you see I have no pockets? I am only a warning.
DT: So if this is real and you are not just a figment of an undigested Happy Meal, what do you say I need to do?
JM: Peacefully leave. Go home to Florida, New York, Moscow, wherever you have the happiest memories. Then, once and forever STFU!
The Invention for Which the World Awaits
A peice of cardio exercise equipment that jump-starts sustained weight loss by merely owning it. No use required. How am I not a millionaire?
My Friend Groucho
One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas.
How he got into my pajamas I’ll never know.
Oh wait…that’s a mirror.
What’s in a Name?
Imagine being so linked with evil that everyone with your surname changes
it to avoid association with you? Met any Hitlers lately?
Think of a person so horrible his name will disappear by next generation?
(You’re too late comedians. Already had 3 responses with my name).
Pandemic – Word of the Year
“Pandemic” is the word of the year according to Their definition of pandemic, accepted by everyone with an I.Q. in double digits is “a disease prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world.” defines it as “a hoax made up by libtards to interfere with the second coming of our virulent führer .
What Happens on January 20th?
Will it be necessary for Orkin to tent The White House or can Peter, Ray, Egon and Winston do the job with Neutrona Wands and Proton Packs?
It’s Alan’s Birthday!
Doesn’t a permanent post on a website beat a card? (It costs less anyway).
Modern Aphorisms
Pithy and thought-provoking obserations from the past adjusted to maintain relevance today.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single Uber ride to the airport.”